Have you packed away the sweaters and corduroys and hung up the sundresses to air out yet? Here's a little inspiration to break into spring!
A $100 Gift Certificate to

If you've been a friend of Fabulous Friday Freebies for very long, you know by now that I have a sweet spot for all things monogrammed. And I stumbled upon a cache of cuteness when I discovered Chunky Monkey Dezigns!
Be it Butterflies or Baseball Bats,
Pick-up Trucks or Pointe Shoes,
Lollipops or Lady Bugs,
Chunky Monkey Dezigns will create apparel and accessories to sweeten your summer!
What would YOU do with $100 to splurge on your little cow boy or princess?
The options are limitless with choices for personalizing
Pillow Cases
Hooded Towels
Burp Cloths
And for you doting mom's of girls, you simply must check out their darling tulle tutus for tots!

Check out adorable ribbon embellished T's and onesies or shirts to announce Big Bro or introduce Lil' Sis.
In addition to an awesome giveaway for one lucky winner, Chunky Monkey Dezigns is offering a gift to all our readers. A 10% discount applies to friends of Fabulous Friday Freebies.
Simply contact Chunky Monkey Dezigns at:
They will set up a special listing for you reflecting the 10% discount! Hurry! Offer only good through the duration of the giveaway!
So, how can you get in on these delicious designs?
You can enter up to 5 times to increase your chances of winning the $100 Gift Certificate. Does not have to be in the following order. You must check back Wednesday to claim your prize if you've won.
For 1 entry:
Browse Chunky Monkey Dezigns and share with us in a comment what you would splurge on!
For Additional Entry:
Become a Follower of Chunky Monkey Dezigns. Go to there site and click the "follow" button on the right hand sidebar. In a NEW comment, tell us you Follow.
For Additional Entry:
Join Chunky Monkey Dezigns and become a fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies on Facebook. In a NEW comment, let us know you're a fan of both.
For Additional Entry:
Email 5 friends and tell them about Chunky Monkey Dezigns great giveaway. In a NEW comment, tell us you emailed.
For Additional Entry:
Make a purchase from Chunky Monkey Dezigns with the 10% discount. In a NEW comment, tell us what you selected.
Hey I'm first and I'm a fan
I love the shirts with initials! Cute, cute.
I emailed my friends!
Just joined Chunky Monkey Dezigns on FB and am already a fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies!
It's probably easier to say what I "wouldn't" spend the money on if I were to win! Ha! My faves include the ribbon shirt, curlz monogram tee, airplane monogram tee, monogrammed hairbows, tutus and the monogrammed pillowcases!
Became a follower of Chunky Monkey Dezigns by cliking on the "follow" button on their website!
I love the giraffe applique and the monogrammed bloomers with ribbons. So cute!
fan of both
I follow Chunky Monkey :)
I emailed my friends
Oh My! I love it all! My daughter would look FABULOUS in all those darling clothes!
Great giveaway! I love the bib and burp cloth set! If I won, I'd gift that to my friend who is expecting! She would love it! Also, I love their monogrammed hand towls! I would definitey order some of those too. Great for the kitchen and bathrooms!
I'm a follower of Chunky Monkey Dezigns blog!
i would spend the money on matching shirts for my girls, and something for our little boy...on the way!
i am a fan
i am a fabulous friday freebies fan!
AND...i just emailed my friends!
i am a mom of 2 boys with summer birthdays so if i won i probably splurge first on birthday shirts for them. i am also a photographer so i'd probably buy a few tutus for photography props as well. :)
i'm a follower of chunky monkey designs.
i am already a fan of chunky monkey designs but now i'm a fan of fabulous friday freebies.
I'm a fan
I emailed my friends!!
curlz monogram tee!!
Too cute! If we won we would purchse a hooded towel, applique shirt (got to love the pig one), a ribbon shirt, a hairbow and a monogramed hairbow and there is so much more!
I am a follower of cunky monkey dezigns
I joined chunky monkey on facebook and I am already a friday freebies fan!
Love the cowgirl applique shirt! Granted I also love the birthday number shirt and the bow diaper cover. .
chunky monkey follower
joined cmd and am a facebook fan of friday freebies
I love the shirts with the initials...but may do some bows since Layla is all into them now!!
I became a fan today!
I am a follower of chunky monkey!
I am a follower of FFF!
In love with the Easter Cross design.
I emailed 5 friends!
i just became a fabulous friday freebies fan!
The Ribbon Shirt with name monogrammed is my absoulute fave! But, I love everything! rbnewo@yahoo.com
I would probably get my kids a shirt with their names on it. Or even a tutu for my little girl
Anything appliqued!
we love Chunky Monkey! And the limitless ideas!
I am a fan! And i purchased 3 shirts for my boys!
I love the shirts with the initials, and I would also pick out several of the appliques under the "little boy" section. :)
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
I follow!
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Love the hooded towels, the ribbon onsies, and of course the tutus!
I am a fan
I'd stock up on baby shower gifts! there's always someone having a baby in my neighborhood! and i'd probably get my little one a cute shirt, she'd love it!
I've joined the Chunky Monkey group and I'm a FB fan of yours!
What a great giveaway! I would have to have one of the cute t shirts with the high heel appliques! How fun!
I am a new follower of Chunky Monkey Designs!
...Am a fan...
Love the onsie and bloomer set for my grandaughters...became a chunky monkey fan...duck77star@yahoo.com
Became a FB fan of CM...duck77star@yahoo.com
I'm a fan of both.
Oh, finally someone with little boy stuff!! Cute little boy stuff at that! What to buy, what to buy... I would LOVE to get a first birthday shirt for Derrick, and I absolutely love the hooded towels!! I could easily spend that $100!
I'm a follower of both!
I would spend this money on some things for my littlest sister and nieces and also my nephew.
I send some friends the giveaway link!
I'd probably get a ribbon shirt for each of my girls. And I would (hopefully) get a "big bro" shirt for my son if I find out that he is going to be one soon!
gfc follower of Chunky Monkey
I know I would get some initial shirts!
I'm following ChunkyMonkey!
Facebook fan!! : )
I would splurge on bows, tutus, and a bib and burp cloth set! Cute items :)
i would so choose the ribbon shirt
i am a follower of both sights
facebook fan of both
I love the animal appliques and I would do name embroidery and ballet shirts
Nichole SEiler: follow
Nichole Seiler: facebook fan of both
I love the pink tutu. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of both. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I follow their blog now. amypugmire@live.com
I love the shirts w/applique like the girls guitar and high heel shoes. I also love the initial applique and monogramed shirts- super cute!
I would get the ribbon onsies.
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