Our SECOND Fabulous Friday Freebie is a
$30 Gift Certificate to Lassie Girl
You will swoon over the sweet simplicity of these savvy styles!
Lassie Girl has contrived the most original and pleasantly versatile item for your daughter's wardrobe. It is my joy to unveil.....
the pinafore!

Essentially two adorable outfits with the option of wearing it rightside in....
Or inside out.....
Seamlessly sewn so you have two reversible, interchangeable outfits. We've all been there.....the frustration of getting her dressed to the tens planning a full day for the little social butterfly, only to end up with stains or smudges half way through the fun. No stress! Now that Kool-Aid spill from Preschool can effortlessly be swapped for a new frock to go out on that play date! Thank you Lassie Girl!
Comfortable enough to let her run wild. Sweet enough to adorn her for outings and events. Classy when worn alone. Sassy when paired with jeans. Adorable for photos. Perfect for picnics. Certain to be a favorite spring top! Lassie Girl has dozens of darling dresses with coordinating backing for sweet summer styles!

All items can be personalized to reflect your little ones individual style. Best of all, Lassie Girl is graciously extending a 15% off discount to all friend of Fabulous Friday Freebies. Shop this week and enjoy a great savings steal! A sweet deal for a sweet girl!
You can enter up to 4 times to increase your chances of winning the $30 Gift Certificate to Lassie Girl. Does not have to be in the following order. Check back Wednesday to see if you won!
1 entry:
Visit Lassie Girl and then in a comment, tell us how you would spend $30.
Additional entry:
Grab our Fabulous Friday Freebies button for your blog. In a NEW comment, tell us you sport the FFF button.
Additional entry:
Visit three of the stores listed under A Few Of My Favorite Things (righthand sidebar) and in a NEW comment, tell me something from each that you'd love to own.
Additional entry:
Make a purchase from Lassie Girl. In a NEW comment, tell us which cute outfit your lil' one will be wearing this summer.
I would totally get the Piccadilly and Pink Dahlia! So cute!
I have NO idea how I'd spend the $30...everything is SO lovely! I *think* my favorite is the Lindy thought :)
I LOVE the flower shower skirt! so adorable!
Would love to own
definitely the Cute Houndstooth Ruffle Jacket from Clementine Clothing
Fluted Candle Holder,Vintage Inspired from Confectionis in Glass Shop
Wristlet Purse from JulieKope Shop
I would get the "Love" pinafore top.
I love the Hot Dots and the Pink Dahlia! Monogrammed of course. :) My best friend's daughter would be absolutely adorable in those! :)
I love the limeberry dress. amypugmire@live.com
I have your fabulous friday freebies button. amypugmire@live.com
The 12m size Ruby pinafore would be sweet for Valentine's Day for my grandchild, an of course I'd want a photo with her as a treasured memory!
I like the lillie pinafore
I would pick the frangipani pinafore
I have your button :)
From Young n' Trendy:
either a binky clip or the zebra print pillow case dress
from Clementiny Clothing:
Cutie Houndstooth Ruffle Jacket Made with Vintage Materials
from Juliekope:
I would pick one of her fabulous scotty dogs
Kim Lambert. I would definately get a dress for my daughter. I can't even decide which one yet, they are all adorable! klambert05@hotmail.com
I have the FFF Button!!
I would have to get the pinafore top!!
Young n Trendy: I love everything there!!
Clementiny Clothing:Ruffle Jacket
Juliekope: Purse (any they are super cute)
I'd get the Lindy pinafore! Adorable.
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Too cute! We Love the hot dot and the wonderland!
I Love her etsy! right now I'd probably go for "love" but everything is my favorite. sheesh!
annemolino at hotmail dot com
I have the button
I want the bottlecap magnets from young and trendy
from Miacarina I like the Cindy Lou Onesie or Long Sleeve Shirt
the Giddy Up Cowboy Blanket from tuttobellisimo is so cute!
Picadilly, in 6mo and 3T for my girls.
Took a visit to Lassiegirl & love her Wonderland pinafore!
Love the Lillie.
I have your button.
Love the Ruby pinafore and also the Pop Garden.
Oh how darling! I just can't choose right now! I do really like the hot dots with the monogram.
I like the Chocolate Brown and Turquoise Hand Painted 5X7 Picture Frame from sweetdixiedesigns.
I like the Wedding Centerpiece Confection In Pink from ConfectionsInGlass.
I like the Handsmocked bunny bishop dress from juliekope's.
How darling!! I love Piccadilly and LuLu. Such cute things!
I've got the button on my blog!
I would love to have:
Aqua and Brown Handpainted Picture Frame 5x7
by: sweetdixiedesigns
Quilted tote bag
by: juliekope
English Rose Blanket
by: tuttobellisimo
I'd get the ruby sample and the lulu pinafore, so cute!
I have the fff button on my blog: jcbrowerfamily.blogspot.com
my daughter would love the redondo twirl skirt from mia carina
Those pinafores are ADORABLE!! I am not sure if my favorite pattern was the Lillie, Lindy, or Ava. And the prices are great, too!!!
I proudly feature the FFF button on my blog at
How to pick...I would start with the "wonderland" and then have to add a few more items...so fun!!!
I love the mad hadder A line skirt. My little girl would look so cute in that.
I like the Cream and Black frames from Sweet Dixie.
I like the Birdie Sling Bag from julieskope.
I love the Dr. Suess TuTu set from MiaCarina.
I rock the FFF button
Would probably spend the $30 on the flower shower skirt! So cute!
I would spend $30 on the Peep Eyes Sample and The Peep Eyes Bottom.
Perfect outfit!!
My 4 yr old will only wear dresses lately so she would be so excited to win- I love the red ruby and hot dot dresses and the lilliea-line skirt
LOVE LOVE LOVE the scrappy skirt! That is what I would get if I won.
I would get the Hot Dot pinafore and the Bella Skirt.
Have your button.
LOVE the scrappy skirt. Definitely would spend my $30 on that.
Added your FFF button to my blog.
3 things I like from three sidebar shops
1. Would love to have a blog makeover from Designs by Summer!!!!
2. The Romantic wish long tutu from Luna Belle Boutique!
3. LOVE the White Lime Green Aqua Blue Black Patchwork Hand Painted Picture Frame 5X7 by Sweet Dixie Designs.
I love the flower shower skirt.
I'd get the Lindy or Love pinafore tops! OH my goodness, too cute.
I have your button on my sidebar! justhavingaball.blogspot.com
Love love love the Pink Dahlia, Ava, and LuLu Pinafores. I cannot decide, so please dont make me!
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