We are SO excited to share a special 12 Days of Christmas Extravaganza.
For the next two weeks, as a countdown to Christmas, we will have a DAILY giveaway from some of our most favorite companies. Check back every day and enter to win gift certificates, shopping sprees and spa packages. Additionally, many companies are offering exclusive discounts to our readers, so this is a great chance to check off some of the last minute items from your list!
So, with Day Eight upon us.......
Any cyber sufferers of writers block? Are you uninspired to document your life on the boring backdrop of your blog? Need to spice up the sidebar? Embellish your elements? Break out a new banner?
You're going to LOVE this one, seeing that most of you are blogging buddies of mine...
Pink Armchair Designs if offering a fresh and fabulous giveaway:
A Deluxe Blog Design
($55 value)
This is your chance at a "virtual makeover". A fancy facelift for your blog!
(....and no risky side-effects of Botox!:-)
You will love all the inspiration you can find on the Pink Armchair Designs website. The winner of this giveaway will receive the following as part of the Deluxe Blog Design Package:
2 column design
custom header
coordinating wallpaper
4 sidebar buttons
1 signature button
limited tech support
Whether your style be romantic, professional, classic or whimsical, Pink Armchair Designs will work with with you to create a face for your blog that reflects the personality and heart behind your posts!
The way a redesign works is this....
You select a "Scrap Happy" kit from Pink Armchair Designs.
Something like this

or this...
or this...
Then from the selection of papers, frames, flowers, paper clips, embellishments, quotes and ribbons, the designer works with you to create a header including the elements your love.
Pink Armchair Designs is offering a 15% discount on any purchase you make when you mention Fabulous Friday Freebies. Check out their different levels of design packages and rates and get busy sprucing up your blog!
Ive got big plans for improvement on our blog (after all, its time to make room for another Smith....hmmmm....that may post a problem with the title "seventh smith", ya think?) Anyway, we have already contracted Pink Armchair Designs to help us work on a revamp. Get your name on her books for the new year before the waiting list gets too long!
Here's how you could win a Deluxe Blog Design from Pink Armchair Designs
Enter in any or all of the following ways and check back tomorrow to see if you won.
For 1 entry:
Leave your name in a comment
For 2 additional entries:
Become a facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies HERE and of Pink Armchair Design HERE. Leave 2 SEPARATE comments that you are a fan of both.
For 5 additional entries:
Since all who are entering are bloggers, lets make it a blog hop! Post about this giveaway and link http://fabulousfridayfreebies.blogspot.com in your post. Leave 5 SEPARATE comments that you blogged and share your blog address.
For 10 additional entries:
Purchase a blog package from Pink Armchair Designs accessing your 15% discount. Leave 10 SEPARATE comments saying you are getting a facelift!
facebook fan of FFF
facebook fan of fff
I desperately need this one!!!
I'm a fan!
Mindy B
Facebook Fan of FFF
Megan F
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Facebook fan of FFF!
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Facebook fan of Pink Armchair Designs!
supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Christiann G.
Jessica Loveland
Fan of Both
Kimberly Lambert
I am a fan of Pink Armchair Design!
Amanda Pyle
FB fan of FFF
FB fan of Pink Armchair Design
I blogged about Pink Armchair designs and FFF on my blog:
I blogged about Pink Armchair designs and FFF on my blog:
I blogged about Pink Armchair designs and FFF on my blog:
Entering my leaving my name!
Just became a fan of FFF on facebook!
I am a fan of PAD on facebook!
I blogged about FFF, PAD and this giveaway on my blog (which by the way was designed by the very talented Jennifer at PAD)!
I blogged about FFF, PAD and this giveaway on my blog (which by the way was designed by the very talented Jennifer at PAD)!
I blogged about FFF, PAD and this giveaway on my blog (which by the way was designed by the very talented Jennifer at PAD)!
I blogged about FFF, PAD and this giveaway on my blog (which by the way was designed by the very talented Jennifer at PAD)!
I'm a fan of FFF on FB!
I'm a fan of PAD on FB!
Bethany! I could really use this, haha! :)
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