And now that you've seen the cutest onesies ever, that brings us to our SECOND Fabulous Friday Freebie today. Want to know how to complete the perfect ensemble for baby and their wonderful onesie?
Add BabyLegs!!

The winner of our SECOND Giveaway today will be the recipient of
3 Pairs of BabyLegs from
($36 value)

Specify boy, girl, or gender neutral and your parcel will be packaged up and delivered to your door...welcoming fall with a cozy collection for your cutie!

While these are not new on the market, I was not introduced to them with my last baby, but they are my new favorite thing this time around! As we anticipate cooler months, I'm stocking up on these for baby dear. They're perfect for pairing with onesies and they make diaper changing a cinch. Baby stays warm. Mom only has to unsnap and change. Everyone is happy...and stylish!

These look adorable paired under a skirt and can be worn both on babies....and on growing legs. Or arms for that matter. Soft and snuggly super cute accessory!

And here's a special steal for everyone stocking up for cooling temps. Spend $50 and you will receive this cute pair FREE.

Simply use coupon code FFFBabyLegs to claim your free pair when you spend $50 at Mom 4 Life.
And here's another little accessory you're going to want to stash away if you have a newborn arriving soon. A stylish twist on an old concept.
You know those razor sharp fingernails that newborns have? How many of you have agonized over attempts to trim finger nails with clippers in utter fear that you'll nick their finger? Solution: ScratchMeNot.
These soft closed sleeves prevent baby from scratching their face...while still stylishly accenting their outfit. Fun AND functional!

Gobs of goodies to choose from at Mom4Life.....all with kids in mind. I mean, really....what better way to get a toddler to brush their teeth than to hand him a shark! Who thinks of that?
Sheer brilliance!

Its still hot here in the south. Several more blistering weeks by the pool in store. Better stock up on baby-friendly-hypoalergenic sunscreen and pest repellant. Thank you Mom4Life!!

Lots of options for stacking the ballot box with this giveaway. Check back Wednesday to see if you are our lucky winner.
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