We've got something new up our sleeve this week on Fabulous Friday Freebies.
Who's game for a little
Cutest Kid Contest?
We'll be hosting this on our Facebook Page.
Prizes = $150 value shopping spree
$25 GC to

$25 GC to

$25 GC to

Winner of the Cutest Kid Contest will be the recipient of a Shopping Spree. $25 Gift Certificates to 6 of our favorite boutiques!! Total $150 value!
How do I enter?
-You must FIRST "like" all 6 of our sponsoring boutiques on Facebook. (I will be verifying you have done so...this is mandatory!)
Here are the links:
-You have until Wednesday August 10th to submit your "cutest kid" photo to me
Please send an email with your child's photograph and first name and age to fabulousfridayfreebies@gmail.com
How will the winner be decided?
-On Thursday August 11th, I will post an album on our Facebook Page with all the cutest kid candidates.
-Until August 18th, you can have friends and family vote by "liking" your child photograph. They can leave comments too, but only the "likes" will count as votes for your child. The child with the most "likes" of their picture on August 18th wins.
Share your cutie and send your friends to vote. Fun for all and a fabulous gift package for the winner! Good luck!
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