Our SECOND Fabulous Friday Freebie is brought to you by a newbie today. Fall is officially here. Time to accessorize your wardrobe a bit. We know just the thing...
Today we're giving away a $25 shopping spree to

Specializing in sterling original pieces, you are bound to find something you love. Handcrafted and vintage inspired items make these exquisite gifts for giving....or for splurging a bit on yourself.

You know what a sucker I am for all things personalized...check out a new favorite...

An impressive selection of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, key chains and even cell phone charms makes this your one stop shopping for gifting graduates, teachers or friends!

With a 20% discount on already very reasonable prices, this is prime time to shop. Use coupon code JANE20 to access your discount.

Here's how you can get your name in the hat to win this great giveaway from Mystic Moon Jewelz...

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Leave a comment below with your name
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Become a Facebook fan of this company HERE and leave them a comment on their wall saying that FFF sent you.
Then leave 2 SEPARATE below saying you did so.
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Use Facebook or Twitter to share about this giveaway with all your friends. Give them this link http://fabulousfridayfreebies.blogspot.com
Leave 3 SEPARATE comments below that you facebooked or tweeted.
For unlimited entries:
Make a purchase from Mystic Moon Jewelz. For every dollar you spend, you can leave 1 SEPARATE comment.
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