Our SECOND giveaway today comes from (quite possibly) the pink-est, posh-est boutiques of all:
winner will receive a
$25 Shopping Spree
to splurge on these girly-girl collections.

We're talking rows and rows of ruffles, the twirly-est tutus and the most sensational shoes. This is your one-stop-shopping for all your Miss Priss essentials.

I dont often remark on the price of things here. I want to introduce my readers to the crem-de-la-crem of childrens boutique style. But who says you cant have your cake and eat it too? The Hair Bow Company provides these novelty items at prices that I found astounding. Think halloween costumes for your little princess, ballerina or fairy. Let me tell you ladies, there is nowhere else that you will be able to find Petal Filled Tutus for $4.99
Trust me....Ive looked!

....or Ruffle bum bloomers for $5.99

....And Petti Rompers for under $10

"Petti-what", you ask?
Its a pettiskirt....no, its a romper...no, its a PETTIROMPER!
I have been dying to take pictures of a certain little someone in one of these sweet things since they hit the market. Ive just ordered one from The Hair Bow Company and cant wait to see it on my girl. These make ridiculously cute photo props paired with pearls, or just as back-yard attire for your little garden fairy!

Here's the thing. Apply a 10% discount to those already unbeatable prices and you've got yourself a STEAL! Here's the coupon code for our Fabulous Friday Freebies friends.

Shop hairbows, daisy hair clips, fairy wings, leggings and the swankiest shoes for babies and toddlers here. I think there's an unspoken rule that every lady needs a little leopard in her wardrobe....no one said it couldnt still be pink!

Check back Wednesday to see if you won.
Here are the rules:
For 1 entry:
Leave your name in a comment
For 2 additional entries:
Become a Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company HERE and leave some love on their wall.
Leave 2 SEPARATE comments below that you've done both
For 3 additional entries:
Become a follower of this blog. (lefthand sidebar) Leave 3 SEPARATE comments that you've done so.
For unlimited entries:
Make a purchase (remember those super affordable-super cute tutus?) from The Hair Bow Company. For every dollar you spend, you can leave 1 SEPARATE comment. (dont forget your coupon code for 10% off!)
The Confident Artist
Oops! Signed in to the other email!
Sarah Durham
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Left THBC some love!
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Became a FFFblog follower
Became a FFFblog follower
Shannon Gammon
Thank you so much for the Awesome Giveaway!:)
I Became a Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company:)
Shannon Gammon
I left love on The Hair Bow Company's Facebook Wall:)
Shannon Gammon
fb fan of the hair bow. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of the hair bow. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I am now a Follower of your Blog:)
Shannon Gammon
I am now a Follower of your Blog:)
Shannon Gammon
I am now a Follower of your Blog:)
Shannon Gammon
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
Nichole Seiler: I love the tutus and bows
Nichole Seiler: facebbok fan of the hairbow company
Nichole Seiler: facebook fan of the hairbow company
Nichole Seiler: follow your blog
Nichole Seiler: follow your blog
Nichole Seiler: follow your blog
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Jessica lOveland
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I'm a fb fan and left love
I follow your blog!!!
Alyssa Kinzie! :)
Alyssa Kinzie!
I liked the hair bow company!
Alyssa Kinzie!
I like the hair bow company and gave them some lovin :) (as well as already have a few favorites picked out!)
Heather Ratliff
Kelly Cadenhead
Have been a follower for some time now.
Have been a follower for some time now.
Have been a follower for some time now.
Christiann G.
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I follow your blog
I follow your blog
Melissa Norcross!
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Angie Morris
Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company :)
Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company :)
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I follow your blog!
Erika Deaton
Showed Hairbow Company some love!
Jennifer Perez is my name
I became a fan of the hair bow company Facebook page!
Showed some love to Hairbow Company!
Left a message on THBC fb wall!
Started following FFF blog !
I'm a big fan of THBC on facebook!!
I love my rainbow tutu from THBC!
Looking forward to my next THBC purchase :)
Love the hair bow Company!
Sabrina Lagace
Also left some love for THC on facebook,
Sabrina L
Lona Mcclain
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Joey McClain
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blog follower
Lisa ford
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Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company
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Lori D
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fb fan of the hbc
Jenny Scott
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
I'm a facebook fan :)
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
I'm a facebook fan! :)
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Love the Hair Bow Company! Got lots of cute bows for my daughter who is due TODAY!
Amy Stine
Became a FB fan of the Hair bow company!
Amy Stine
Fan of Hair Bow Company on FB :) Amy Stine
I became a follower of this blog!!! Woohoo
Amy Stine
I became a follower of this blog!!! Woohoo
Amy Stine
I became a follower of this blog!!! Woohoo
Amy Stine
Carrie Elmore
I'm a facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company and left comments on some of the most adorable photos I've seen!
I'm a facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company and left comments on some of the most adorable photos I've seen!
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Follower of your blog!
Rachel C
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Sara Baltus
I already like THBC!
Wrote on THBC wall. Love their stuff
James MOrris
facebook fan and follow blog
facebook fan and follow blog
facebook fan and follow blog
facebook fan and follow blog
facebook fan and follow blog
Jamie Lynn Young :)
Fan of the hair bow company! GREAT DEALS!
Fan of the hair bow company! GREAT DEALS!
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blog follower :)
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The Hair Bow Company
Facebook fan of
The Hair Bow Company
blog (:
blog (:
blog (:
Stephanie Hogan
Fan of The Hair Bow Company
Left some love on The Hair Bow Company's wall
Following Seventh Smith
Following Seventh Smith blog
Following Seventh Smith blog
Makayla Olinger
Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company
Facebook fan of The Hair Bow Company
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follower of this blog
Ryanne M.
FB fan of the Hair Bow Company and Left some lovin!
FB fan of the Hair Bow Company and Left some lovin!
Love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing./
Love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing./
Love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing./
Katie Laughton
HUGE fan of the Hair Bow Company! Have ordered from them in the past...great quailty and very cute product!
HUGE fan of the Hair Bow Company! Have ordered from them in the past...great quailty and very cute product!
Follow the FFF blog!
Follow the FFF blog!
Follow the FFF blog!
Brandy Trimm!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a THBC fan
Post #1
Brandy Trimm
I love THBC
brandy Trimm
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Following this blog :)
Ashley Brown
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