Scroll through the next two posts to read details.

You know the thrill of discovering that hole-in-the-wall authentic mexican restaurant that's a mom & pop run business that rivals the best in town?
Or the consignment store full of antique treasures and heirloom linens from estate sales....the one where you've become best friends with the owner who gets you first dibs on special selections?
The same excitement is that of finding a "best-kept-secret" like this one......

This emerging boutique is arguably the next "big thing"!!

This week, they're offering up a
$50 Gift Certificate
for one lucky winner to shop their selection of swanky, suave sets for your toddlers and tykes.

Specializing in custom designs, they have tirelessly worked with me, (a fickle and indecissive individual) to perfect an idea and exicute something original and fun. The options are basically limitless when you factor in their applique options, designs for skirts, dresses, bow ties, bloomers, britches and all the fabric and thread choices that you can specify. Start dreaming and watch J&B Custom Boutique whip up something spectacular and uniquely you!

What's cuter than a bare-bottomed-baby?
Ruffles on that cute lil' tush! J&B Custom Boutique spares no expense with these posh panties embellished by generous rows of ruffles adorning these darling diaper covers.

Yes please. Ill take a pair in each color!

Oh, and did I mention, coordinating hairpieces to complete the outfit are exquisitely embellished. You KNOW we take bows seriously at our house! These are some of the cutest Ive seen!

Even your dapper dude will find his style with J&B Custom Boutiques classic line for your little man. Bow ties for your little beaux are something every kiddo needs tucked in their wardrobe for those special occasions.

Y'all have asked for more "boy" boutique wear....drumroll please....here it is! Use coupon code FFF15 when ordering this week for a special 15% discount available exclusively to our readers. You're welcome!

Here are the game rules. Check back Wednesday when we announce the winner.
For 1 entry:
Leave your name in a comment.
For 2 additional entries:
Become a facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique AND leave a comment on their wall HERE.
Leave 2 SEPARATE comments below that you've done so.
For 2 additional entries:
Become a facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies and on our wall, tell us what you'd love to see given away....HERE
Leave 2 SEPARATE comments below that you've done so.
For 3 additional entries:
Visit three of our sponsors (righthand sidebar)
Leave 3 SEPARATE comments below with something you'd love to own from each.
For unlimited entries:
Make a purchase from J&B Custom Boutique. For every dollar you spend, you can leave 1 SEPARATE comment.
Shannon Gammon
Thank you for the Chance to win:)
I Became a facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique:)
Shannon Gammon
I left a comment on J&B Custom Boutique's wall :)
Shannon Gammon
I am a facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies:)
Shannon Gammon
I left a comment on Fabulous Friday Freebies wall letting you know what i would like to see:)
Shannon Gammon
I went to Hailey's Closet and would love to own the Reversible Christmas Dress- Black and White Damask/Red Candy Cane and Gingerbread:)
Shannon Gammon
I went to Luna Belle Boutique and would love to own the Boutique Valentine Candy Hearts Dress and Denim Jeans:)
Shannon Gammon
I went to Taffie Wishes and would love to own the Princess Fairy Tale Birthday Decorations Full party package:)
Shannon Gammon
fb fan of j & b. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of j & b. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of yours.. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of yours.. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
Nichole Seiler: they have some cute stuff
Nichole Seiler: left comment on facebook and am a fan of J and B
Nichole Seiler: left comment on facebook and am a fan of J and B
Nichole Seiler: facebbok fan of fff and left a comment
Nichole Seiler: facebbok fan of fff and left a comment
Nichole Seiler: like luna belle christening gowns
Nichole Seiler: I love the hello kitty applique onsie from haileys closet
Nichole Seiler: summerlee has adorable flower clips and headbands
Lainey LaWall
I liked J&B Custom Boutique on FB
I left a comment on J&B Custom Botiques wall :-)
I am a fan of FFF on FB :-)
I would like to see some cute kids tags and labels on FFF.
Jessica Loveland
FAn on fb and left comment
FAn on fb and left comment
FB fan and made comment
FB fan and made comment
Fan of FFF on fb and left a comment
Fan of FFF on fb and left a comment
FFF fan and left idea
FFF fan and left idea
ummmm would love a steak from Ruth's Chris
Would love a monogramed bib for my sis from Luna Belle
From Hailey's cloest I would love the cute ruffle socks...zo's feet are growing!
Aly Kinzie! :)
(left a comment on J&B's wall, but was already a fan! -and have ordered multiple things from them, I'm so glad you're helping spread word about their great stuff!!)
Heather Ratliff
Fan and left some love!
Already a fan, but would love to see more boy items!
Already a fan, but would love to see more boy items!
Cute football onesie from "My Hailey's Closet"!
Those towel cakes from "The Pearl on Top" are adorable!
The monogrammed water bottles are my favorite from "If You Say Sew"!
Christiann G
KD Designs: i like the big sister baby brother shirts
The pink monogram: market totes
Hailey's closet:Applique Lady Bug - 3 Piece Onesie set
Melissa Norcross
Fan of JandB and left a comment
Fan of JandB and left a comment
FB fan of FFF and comment
FB fan of FFF and comment
If you Say sew holiday shirts
Haileys closet outfits!
Luna Belle Holiday outfits
Angie Morris!
Love this giveaway :)
Facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique!
Facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique!
Fan of FFF!
The Pink Monogram has cute purses!
Dresses from Summerlee
WOW! Love KD Designs!! too cool
Wrote a comment on J & B Custom Boutique and Fabulous Friday Freebies! Should have 5 entries so pick me!
Lona mcClain
Fan on FB!
Fan on fb
Yay! Already a fan of FFF!
Yay! Already a fan of FFF!
All things preppy and monogrammed phone case
taffie wishes super neat !
KD designs! way to support the cause!
Joey McClain
fb fan
fb fan
fff fan
fff fan
Ruth's chris steak house
KD designs
Aurora's jewelry box
Lisa Dulli
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
Luna Belle Christmas outfits
Hailey's Closet reversible dress
If you say sew bottles
Lori D
fb fan of jandb
fb fan!!!!!
fb fan of fff!!!
fb fan of fff!
pixie pocket dresses are really unique!
gifting girl pendants
kd designs shirts about breast cancer
Jenny Scott
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Amy Stine :) Cute stuff
Commented on your wall :) Amy Stine
Commented on Facebook wall :) Amy Stine
Love the Hawaiian stuff from Summer Lee.
Amy Stine
Love the Monogrammed travel mug from all things monogrammed.
Amy Stine
Love the butterfly onsie from Haley's Closet. I'm Obsessed with Butterflies :)
Amy Stine
Carrie Elmore
Fan of J & B Custom Boutique and I left a comment.
Fan of J & B Custom Boutique and I left a comment.
FB fan of FFF. Would love to see more maternity things!
FB fan of FFF. Would love to see more maternity things!
I visited gifting girls' etsy shop and I would love to win the fly fishing cuff links for my brother!
I visited Taffie Wishes and would love to win one of the banners. So adorable!
I visited Bagatela's and really like the headbands!!!
Rachel C
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
James Morris
Fan of both pages
Fan of both pages
Fan of both pages
Fan of both pages
Luna Belle girl clothing
steaks! ruth chris steak house
kd design shirts
Jamie Lynn Young!
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
Summerlee!!! too cute
all things preppy and monogrammed
Bagatelas unique jewelry!
Helen Nakamoto
facebook fan of
J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of
J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of
Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of
Fabulous Friday Freebies
1. Hailey's Closet onsie sets
2. KD Deisngs, breast cancer awareness shirt
3. Summerlee blue hello kitty dress
Stephanie Hogan
Became a fan of J&B Costume Designs:)
Posted a comment on J&B Costume Design's wall
Became a fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
Left a comment saying what I would like to see you give away:)
I became a facebook fan of J&B Boutique
I became a facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
Makayla Olinger
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
facebook fan of J&B Custom Boutique
facebook fan of Fabulous Friday Freebies
towel cakes from "The Pearl on Top"
anything monogrammed from luna belle
steak from ruth chris's
Ryanne M.
fb fan of j&b
fb fan of j&b
fb fan of fff!
fb fan of fff!
taffie wishes for a bday party
hailey's closet sets
cute stuff frm anutie jammies!
Kaite Laughton
Added J&B to my facebook
Added J&B to my facebook
Added J&B to my facebook
Already a fan of fabulous friday freebies!
I would love to see anything to help get me ready for the up and coming holidays! House decorations would be nice...maybe some scented candles???
Already a fan of fabulous friday freebies!
I would love to see anything to help get me ready for the up and coming holidays! House decorations would be nice...maybe some scented candles???
Beautiful and classy jewelry from Aurora's jewelry box!
Aw! Hailey's Closet looks like it could become addicting!
Ashley Brown
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